Thursday, March 15, 2012

Don't judge me for sniffing butts!

After 3 kids you'd think I'd know it all! All 3 of my girls are sick. And today when I was changing Ava, I found a glob of goop in her diaper that I panicked over. I was sure something was wrong with her. I smeared it around with a wipe, I smelled it (it had no smell) and then I did my research. Did you know when babies her age are sick, they can't blow their nose or spit out phlegm? So they digest it, and their bodies with throw it up or poop it out. Ava is been pooping out snot all day today.

I've been calling her booger butt for months, and I had no idea!!!

You learn something new every day, and boy oh boy did that humble me and my know it all attitude!

I'm thinking about starting weight watchers. I know when my problem times are. From 9pm until 1am. I get snacky and all I want to snack on is crap junk food. So it's time to get my act together and start snacking healthy (like an apple with a little bit of peanut butter and raisins, why can't I think of this at night when I'm hungry. All I can think is "oooo chocolate icecream! oreos!) lol I'm sick of feeling gross in my own body, and I am ready for a change :)

Until next time!

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