Monday, February 27, 2012

Breast feeding... *sigh*

Ava and I have been breast feeding now since the day she came home from the hospital. So nearly 4 months. You would thing it would get easier, but so far that just isn't the case. I feel like I'm making less and less, and she is getting more and more agitated with me. I have to wrap her up and hold her super close, otherwise she breaks her latch over and over. It hurts. And I'm just so sick of it. I love the closeness you get from nursing. I love watching my sweetie girl fall asleep, drunk from mommy milk, on my chest. But I honestly feel like I can't do this much longer.

I missed out on having a normal childbirth with Ava. I looked forward to having her naturally. It helps me to battle my PPD. I didn't have it after having Ellie, because I was too high feeling like this amazing super human. Giving birth to 10.13oz of giant baby, with pitocin, without an epidural-- I was floating on top of the world. I hoped and prayed I'd have at least the natural labor with Ava, with or without pitocin, because I knew it would help me to recover from the depression that just hasn't gone away since having Kate. It didn't work out that way. Ava was born VIA emergency c-section, and placed in the nicu.. I got to see her for a couple of hours every day (admittedly some days were much less, as we didn't always have a sitter for the big girls, and they couldn't do the nicu for longer than 20 minutes at a time). I was so damn determined to make breast feeding work, though the nicu staff was constantly telling me it likely would not. And here we are, nearly 4 months later, and it feels like I'm starting over all of the time. I'm exhausted and frustrated, and I'm honest to God considering just giving up. Not even giving up, but letting it go so that I can stop aching. Focus more on loving this little girl, as opposed to being annoyed that she's tearing my boobs to shreds.

I hold on to breast feeding because it is the only normal part of our early relationship. She was ripped from my womb, and taken away from me almost immediately. She was covered in tubes and wires.. But she learned how to eat with my milk, and once her latch on the bottle became strong enough, and they moved her feeding tube up her nose, we started practice feedings in the hospital. She was amazing. The day she came home I took that bottle away and told myself I WOULD make this work. NO BOTTLES. That worked for a while. Unfortunately we have had to supplement. I'm sorry to say. And every time has been because I'm so tired/stressed out, Ava has been crying to eat, and nothing has been coming out. Daddy to the rescue! It's been few and far between, but they have been moments I've needed.

I don't wan't to give up, but I just don't know what to do. My hands are full day in and out, and I'm beginning to doubt myself as a parent because I'm struggling to make due for my growing girl. I know for certain I will continue until we move- but will I after? I'm saying yes for NOW. But I'm not going to do more damage to my self (mentally) if it doesn't work out afterward. She, and Kate and El deserve me as the best mommy I can be. And being upset or frustrated doesn't usually work for us. I want to give them the whole world and more, and I have to trust that I'm doing the right thing and make it work for us. I won't be angry with myself if it doesn't work out. I'm keeping the faith that it all comes together nicely, and that all of these feelings will be a thing of the past, a distant memory.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Random musings

I have to go to a baby shower today for one of my oldest friends. I'm super excited. Normally I don't get really excited for things like this. I've become a bit of a loner. And in the past, it seemed like something always stood in the way (like sickness, no sleep because my kids were up all night... that sort of thing) but this time I really want to be there, so I'm going. The problem is Ava. She's really sniffly/congested. She has been for the last two days, so much so that it's even bothering her nursing. To take her or not.. That is the question.. HMMMMM

Kate is being really dorky this morning. Well to be honest that is Kate every morning. She's a real crack up. Lately I worry about her, half of the things that come out of her mouth are really negative and bossy. This is pretty new behavior for her. But it's like she's done taking Ellie's shit. So she gets nasty when she talks to her. Just bossy, then telling her to go to time out and stuff. She's been drifting off to Kate-land more lately. We notice she does it when she is hungry, or when she is tired. She gets these bags under her eyes.. And her bad attitude is always worse if the bags are darker. I don't know what it means, but I'm going to take her to the dr to find out. Maybe have her tested for food allergies and stuff. Because the WORST THOUGHT IN THE WORLD is that it could be a food allergy holding her back. Her dr told us it could be ANYTHING! And I want to know what! ASAP!

I can't believe Ava is sleeping in. I'm so jealous lol. She went to bed pretty easy last night, woke up before 7 to eat. I fed her and she went right back to bed, it's 10am now. Jealous. Poor stink butt probably needs it because she hasn't been feeling well.

I've gotta get ready, but I don't want to move. I'm so lazy!!! *sigh* I guess I will though, this place isn't going to clean itself, and I definitely NEED a shower! lol ;)

Until next time!

Friday, February 24, 2012

I am their momma!

My Kaitlynn Marie

My Eleanor Christine (Ellie)

My Ava Grace

I have a few minutes while Ava is sleeping in. Kate and El are fighting over a stupid toy neither of them actually play with. And I honestly feel my hairs turning gray. But I couldn't be luckier, I couldn't be more blessed. I love my children, they are my whole world. I suffered so hard through PPD when Kate was a baby, and I've worked really hard to be a better mom because of it. For them and for me.

Kate is my special girl; I don't know how I got so lucky to have such a wonderful little lady.. And she's all mine. I worry about her so much at night that I have panic attacks. I just want her to be normal. My dad reminded me the other day that if she doesn't get help soon (still waiting on her evals) she will be made fun of when she goes to school.. The thought makes me physically ill. Like thinking about it now, and I'm getting a stomach ache that has nothing to do with the coffee I just drank.

Ellie is just CRAZY! She is so flipping smart. She will be 3 in july, and my oh my does time just fly by. She has been potty trained now for a year (she learned when Kate did) Ellie has a mind all of her own. She walks around all day in layers of clothes that she puts on herself, she breast feeds her dolls, she makes up her own songs, and she dances all day every day. She is such a wonderful helper. She loves to assist me with everything. Sometimes to the point of severe interference lol. She is the best 2yo in the entire world. She is so very VERY protective of Kate, I have a feeling she will be Kate's greatest ally once they are both in school. We are all so lucky to have her. My little independent girl. She rocks my world!

Ava so far is my sweetest baby. Ellie was a sweet baby too, but Ava is honestly just a little sweet pea. She is so cuddly and smiley. She keeps me up all night more often than not, but usually she's so happy while doing so, I don't even care! lol (okay, I do care! But it makes staying up late super easy because she's smiling and laughing the whole time.) When she finally does go to sleep, she sleeps all night long. I just have to work on getting her to bed between 8-9 instead of 12-2.. lol She's a booby baby through and through. She doesn't laugh for daddy. But then again daddy doesn't lactate. I wish he did, I could use a break once in a while lol

Right now the plan is try and post pictures of the girls weekly, and talk about what they've been up to. But I don't know. I might disappear for 6 months and then come back.. I've had this blog since 2007, and this is my 14th post. I want to keep writing, because I love it. I'm not very articulate, and I use punctuation wrong for the most part. But writing helps my brain stay active.

Until next time!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I think it's time to make this a habit!

I love to blog. It's much less dramatic when I write my feelings here as opposed to clogging up my facebook. I'm such a complex asshole, the least I can do is spare the people who don't really want to see it ;)

Little known fact about me: I have terrible anxiety.

When I get tired that anxiety is about 100x more obvious. I am erratic, I'm mean, I become lazy.. I essentially personify a person I do not like. And it's always always linked to bad sleeping patterns. Right now Kate and El are going to bed around 8pm and sleeping until about 8am. Most of the time much earlier, very rarely later. Ava goes to bed anywhere between 11pm and 2am. And then I get up several times a night, mostly because of Carl snoring or some other reason. So ON A GOOD NIGHT I might get 6ish hours of sleep, which is doable for me. But lately, since my surgery, I've been getting about 4..ish

It's been really hard to recover from a painful surgery.. The pain in my hernia kept me up for days before I got it taken care of. The pain of the incision kept me up for about a week after surgery. I'm now starting to feel better, but I'm not getting as much sleep as I need. I say such awful mean things (to carl, or muttered under my breath. Or screamed out loud if that's how I feel! it's bad) when I am tired. I'm so horrible =( I can't go on living this way..

I'm making a pact with myself to get my priorities straight, to try to be kinder to people around me. And to make some dang time for myself!!! I plan to post pictures of my kids weekly, so I can go back and check out those amazing girls. I'll try to post different things they say/do each week also. It will help me to see the amazing girls I was given. They are my greatest gift, and I need NEED to start appreciating what I have. That's not to say that I don't, it's that sometimes I get so blinded by the dumb crap going on around me, I don't see the loves of my life as clearly. It's sad. They deserve more. I'm going to make sure they get it! <3

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm a terrible blogger

So much has been going on. I barely have time to pick my nose, let alone blog anymore. I love blogging, which is why I keep coming back! I would do it on my phone, like I do everything else, but I like sitting down at the computer to write out my feelings. :)

Ava is 4 months old today and already the most amazing baby. She stays up late, but once she goes to sleep she generally sleeps all night. Kate and El are absolutely in love with her. I would say it's been perfect, but that would be a lie. But I will say that they dote on her, kiss on her, they fight over who gets to cuddle with her. They like to entertain her, and are entertained BY her. It's been good. Kate has been more emotional about just things, but Ellie.. omg Ellie. She has been driving me just about crazy!! She is such a sweet little girl, when she wants to be. But she has been driving me nuts! She honestly gives me such a run for my money. She reminds me that parenting isn't easy! Kate never went through the terrible twos.. Ellie has been coasting through them, and driving me nuts in the mean time! She saves most of her trouble causing for when I'm busy with Ava. If she would just cut that out, then honestly this transition would be just about amazing.

Carl got a job promotion, I am so proud of him. :) We're gearing up to move here soon. Trying to find a place closer to my parents, but it's proving difficult. We'll see how it goes.

I am recovering from surgery. I started feeling crampy, and that turned into a major stomach ache that sent me to the walk-in (was planning to go to the ER, but after checking the wait times for the walk-in online, I decided to just go there to avoid a larger bill...) after many tests/an ultrasound, it turned out I had a strangulated hernia. Basically between all of the stress I've been under, having children, w/e else, I had a hole in my muscle lining. In my case a bit of my intestine was pushing into it, and the hole tried to cut it off. Causing me some SERIOUS pain! I had to have emergency surgery that day, and after a night in the hospital I have been home trying to feel better. It hasn't been easy. I am a terrible patient. Carl is a terrible cleaner. SO I've been cleaning, and doing all of the things I'm not really supposed to be doing... Can't lift over 15lbs for 4 weeks (it's been 1 week now, so 3 more!) Just have to take it easy, but that is hard to do with 3 little girls and a husband who doesn't do house work. I'm not sure if its because he's lazy or if it's because he doesn't know how, but I married a man who doesn't clean. It's annoying to say the least, but we've gotten into a groove now, that he will do w/e I ask him to do, if I remember to ask him anyway. Most of the time I just go ahead and do it myself. lol

Anyway, I have a million more things I want to cover, but I just can't right now. I have to start dinner soon. Kate and El are being crazy and Ava should be waking up form a nap any moment. <3 Until next time.
