Thursday, September 8, 2011

It almost feels like fall!

It's a heat wave this week. It's been in the high 70's-80's this week. For the first time ALL summer!! But there is this CRISP breeze that makes it more than tolerable. AND at night it's in the LOW LOW LOW 50's. So the day starts out cool, then gets warm through out the day. Instead of being super sticky gross hot all summer, it's nice out!! I'm really loving this! I can't wait until Carl gets home today. I think I'm going to convince him to do something fun. I like getting out of the house!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A good day? A bad day? I can't decide!

It's just one of THOSE days! I can't decide if it's bad or not.

Let's see. I didn't fall asleep until about 11 last night, to be woken up at 1:30 by Kate. She wanted Daddy, but he refused to wake up and help her, so I got up (and hurt myself in the process) to get her back in bed. Then I kicked Carl out to the couch because he was snoring, and I was pissed that he wouldn't wake up to help me. (That really hurts my feelings, even though I know he can't really help it.) Woke up at 5:15 to get Carl up for the day, made a million threats about how I wasn't going to get up again to help him wake up for the day, so he needed to get up and get moving. At 5:40 I found him still asleep on the couch. I laid in bed waiting for him to turn the bathroom fan on, when it didn't go on by this point I was kind of pissed off. Tried to go back to bed, but I couldn't sleep because I was hungry. So I got up, bitched at him some more. Made some toast, it didn't fill me up, so I made some more. He finally got his shit moving, and I finally was able to get back to sleep (at this point it was about 6:30). Ellie came barging in at 7 because she had peed her bed. I got her cleaned up and changed, and she went to lay on the couch. Kate was sleeping in my bed. I got up for good with the girls at 8, and threw up my toast.

That was just the BEGINNING OF MY DAY!! I could cry, today has been such a travesty. The cat box stinks, but I can't clean it. Carl has to when he gets home. The laundry is piling up. The sink was full of dishes. Kate broke my new sunglasses. The cat keeps messing with the girls tent (this toy my parents got for them, its really awesome) and they freak out, because he's broken it down probably 10x. They keep begging for food, but won't eat anything I put in front of them. And I'm just EXHAUSTED!!! I'm so tired. Just tired. Nothing else, just ready for bed already and it's only 1pm. This day is dragging. Probably because my huge pregnant ass has been up since 515am.

Today I told Carl that I can no longer be responsible for him getting up. I can't keep doing this to myself. I'm so worn out. My whole body is just aching and tired all of the time. I'm really feeling like I'm running on empty lately. SO! To cheer myself up, I'm going to bake some cookies! Carl doesn't say anything, but I know he gets super excited when I bake cookies. I have to admit, they are really delicious! I love surprising him with them. ;D To be perfectly honest, the only thing in the world I want right now, is for him to get home and give me lots of cuddles and kisses. I think I must be feeling snuggly because I'm so tired. ;)

Til next time!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Some days I really think to myself: Why do I even bother?

I really don't like most humans most of the time. But at least I'm an honest enough person to tell someone how I feel when I feel it. Even if that might be too blunt for others.

I try to like people.. But when I meet and talk to men/women my age who literally have the mentality of a 12yo.. It really disturbs me!! I'm not talking about anyone in particular, before you get upset. But I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, and I just feel like taking it out on the general human population...
